History of Nakula Sadewa Mahabharata

NAKULA Nakula is a protagonist in the Mahabharata Story. He is the son of Madri and Pandu. He is Sadewa's twin brother and is considered the son of God Aswin, the god of twin physicians. According to the Mahabharata, Nakula is very handsome and very elegant.

According to Draupadi, Nakula is the most handsome husband in the world. However, Nakula's naughty nature boasts of his good looks. This is expressed by Yudhisthira in the book Mahaprasthanikaparwa. In addition to handsome, Nakula also has a special ability in caring for horses and astrology.

SADEWA Sadewa is one of the main characters in the Mahabharata Story. He is the youngest member of Pandavas, who has a twin brother named Nakula. Though twins, Nakula is said to have a better-looking face than Sadewa, while Sadewa is smarter than his twin. In the case of astronomy or astronomy, Sadewa's wisdom was far above the other Drona disciples.

In addition, he is also good at raising cattle. So when the Pandavas underwent a year's disguise in the Matsya Kingdom by losing a dice play against Kauravas, Sadewa also chose the role of a cowherd named Tantripala. According to Mahabharata, the twins Nakula and Sadewa have special abilities in caring for horses and cows.

Nakula is described as a very entertaining person. He is also meticulous in carrying out his duties and always keep an eye on the ignorant nature of his brother, Bima, and even against the jokes that seem serious. Nakula also has the skill in playing sword weapons. Although Sadewa is the youngest of the Pandavas, he is regarded as the wisest among them.

Yudhisthira even said that Sadewa was wiser than Wrehaspati, the teacher of the gods. Sadewa is an excellent astrologer and able to predict future events. But he was once condemned to reveal the secrets of fate, so his head would split in two. Sadewa is the youngest of the Pandavas, the name of the five sons of Pandu, the king of Hastinapura. Sadewa and his twin brother, Nakula, were born from the womb of the Madra princess princess named Madri (in puppetry called Madrim).

Meanwhile their three brothers, namely Yudhisthira, Bimasena, and Arjuna were born from Kunti's womb. Despite this, Sadewa is told as Kunti's most beloved son. Nakula and Sadewa was born as a gift of twin gods named Aswin, because Pandu was undergoing a curse so that he could not have intercourse with his wife. Both were born in the middle of the forest when Pandu was living a life as a hermit.

After Arjuna's victory over archery contest in the Kingdom of Pancala, then all Pandavas together married Dropadi, the daughter of the country. From the marriage Sadewa had a son named Srutakirti. In addition, Sadewa also married princess Jarasanda, king of the Magadha Kingdom. Then from his wife named Wijaya, was born a son named Suhotra.

When the Pandavas experience exile in the forest, the four Pandavas (Bima, Arjuna, Nakula, Sadewa) die from drinking poisonous water from a lake. When a magical spirit gives Yudhisthira a chance to choose one of his four brothers to be revived, Nakula is chosen by Yudhisthira to live again. This is because Nakula is Madri's son, and Yudhisthira-who is Kunti's son-wants to be fair to both mothers.

If he chooses Bima or Arjuna, then there is no son of Madri who will continue the descent. When the Pandavas have to undergo a disguise in the Kingdom of Wirata, Nakula is disguised as a horse nurse under the pseudonym of Damagranti. Nakula participated in a great battle in Kurukshetra, and won the great war.

In Mahaprasthanikaparwa, the seventeenth book of the Astadasaparwa Mahabharata series, it is told that Nakula was killed on the way when the Pandavas were about to reach the top of the Himalayas. Earlier, Draupadi was killed and followed by Nakula's twin sister named Sadewa. When Nakula falls to the ground, Bima asks Yudhisthira about the reason for Nakula's death. Yudhisthira replied that Nakula is very diligent and happy to carry out our orders.

But Nakula is very proud of his good looks, and will not budge. Because of his attitude, he just lived up to that place. After hearing the explanation of Yudhisthira, Bima and Arjuna continued their journey. They leave Nakula's body there, without proper burning ceremony, but Nakuma's soul reaches peace.

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